Since humans first evolved on this planet, mankind has always been fascinated with the ability — or lack of — to fly the birds. There are many tales in ancient mythology from various cultures around the world that highlight this fascination. Take for example Icarus from Greek mythology, who was so entranced with his ability to fly with home made wings lovingly created out of wax and feathers that he flew too close to the sun. The scorching heat melted the wax that held Icarus’ wings together and caused him to plummet to the ground below, destroying both his body and his dream of flying; a dream shared by all of mankind!
It’s no secret that birds are the most popular of flying creatures that inspired the creation of flying aircraft. If birds could do it, why not mankind? And did it well is exactly what happened. Take for example the fact that the first flying aircraft lasted only a few seconds in the sky before coming back down to the ground. But just imagine how exhilarating those seconds were! It was sheer triumph. Fast forward to today, and passengers can now enjoy the comfort and style of luxury private aircraft that can fly faster than the speed of sound for several hours at a time. Many military aircraft such has hangers can stay in the air for days at a time if necessary.
So if you’re in the aviation or air interiors business, you can truly capitalize on mankind’s long-standing fascination with and love of flying by attending the Aircraft Interiors Expo 2016! At the Aircraft Interiors Expo 2016, you can learn about and interact with the latest in aircraft display systems and aircraft interior products. Examples include the latest advancements and technology in inflight entertainment systems, both for commercial and private flights. These have become increasingly popular and important, especially with the use of smart phones, tablets, and other devices.