Camping is a somewhat unique American pastime. We’ve been doing it for years and in many different ways. We love to pitch tents, stay in cabins, and park our RVs. Some enjoy roughing it and others enjoy bringing as many of the comforts of home as they can pack into their recreational vehicle. Camping has been a family vacation of choice for many families for generations.
There are many different types of camping experiences to be had by individuals, couples, groups, and families. You can find campgrounds near lake resorts that have activities for all ages, or maybe you’re in the mood for a more specialized camping experience where the destination caters more to adults. There’s something for everybody in the world of camping.
In 2014, the American Camper Report added up all of 2013’s camping numbers and reported that 14% of the United States’ population over the age of six, or about 40.1 million Americans went on camping vacations. Whether tent camping in wooded campgrounds with plenty of camping amenities, camping solo on the beach somewhere or doing anything in between, campers spent an average of 14.9 days in camping activity.
Depending on where you decide to do your camping, there are usually many activities that the entire family can participate in. Of campers who were polled about their camping experiences, 87% of them reported that they participate in multiple ranges of activities. The vast majority of the camping that is done in the United States takes place as a family vacation and is done at family campgrounds. The family campground business has been around for many years in our country and many of these family campgrounds have evolved over time to keep up with the trends regarding entertainment for young people. Most of these campgrounds have pools, arcades, movie nights and other events that can keep children and parents alike entertained during their camping trip.
Camping sites will most often be a representation of the part of the country they are located in. For example, if there is a lake attraction at the destination, like some of the Tennessee campgrounds, finding campgrounds near lake centered activities like fishing will obviously be much easier to do. Campgrounds in the Rockie Mountains or in the far Northeast in places like Vermont will likely include hiking or climbing activities.
If you’re the type of person that enjoys camping, chances are you’re going to do it often. Most campers know the type of camping they enjoy and make plans to do that camping annually. The locations may differ, but the camping methods usually remain the same. Camping enthusiasts are typically so fond of this method of vacationing, they will book their vacation for next year before they even leave their favorite campground. If they have found their favorite camping spot, they want to book it again so that they can be guaranteed that same spot next year.
Whether you love to camp on the beach, in a family campground, or if you enjoy campgrounds near lake waters, there’s a campground waiting for you.