When was the last time you went camping near a lake? If it was recently, perhaps you enjoyed canoeing or other water activities such as swimming. Many campers just enjoy being able to look out on the water because it’s peaceful and relaxing.
How many miles did you travel for your last camping trip? On average, campers will travel 186.7 miles to go camping near a lake or another type of campground.
Public campgrounds are gaining in popularity. As a result, roughly 70% of campers stay in these family camping vacation spots. Since public campgrounds have quite a few amenities, it’s obvious why they are so popular.
Whether you prefer tent camping or sleeping in a cabin, public campgrounds offer these and other options. Furthermore, if you have an RV, public campgrounds have RV hook-ups and other benefits, such as public bathrooms and picnic tables.
How many camping trips are you planning for this year? A recent survey showed that many campers are planning around five trips, and two-thirds of the campers surveyed are planning at least three trips.
Whether you go camping with family, friends, or a combination of both, are you planning to visit local camping sites in the near future or travel further to explore a new camping area? If time is a factor for your upcoming camping trip, you will hopefully be able to arrange more time for the following one.
A camping survey reported that on average, people go camping for about two weeks at a time. It didn’t make a difference whether they were sleeping in tents, RVs, cabins, bivies, or yurts, either. Campers may alternate where they sleep during each camping trip, which can add an element of fun.
What is it that you most like about camping? The basic act of camping is a major motivator for many campers, according to a recent survey. It was found that 47% of people that go camping do so just because they enjoy it. The survey also found that 13% of adults go camping so that they are able to spend more quality time with their families.
Whatever your reasons for going camping, it’s always a good way to spend time enjoying the outdoors. In addition to walking or hiking, there are birds and other types of wildlife to learn about. On your next camping trip, you may even discover a new activity that you enjoy.